Steve's memories

Created by Steve 3 years ago

So many happy memories of our family holidays at Trusville holiday camp in Mablethorpe.  I remember fetching some chips from the camp chip shop on the night England played Portugal in the World Cup semi-final in 1966.  The match was showing live on the TV there and I got so enthralled in the match.  This was my first memory of professional football.  Mum and Dad made sure we got home in time for the final against West Germany the following Saturday and we all watched the match together as a family on our black and white TV.

Mum was brilliant at dress making and knitting and after spending several weeks knitting me a lovely cable knit crew neck jumper, I decided to wear it for the first time when I was going to play football on Melbourne Park.  Mum told me not to as I would lose it but I still wore it.  After the game, I returned to the dressing room to find it had been stolen. Mum was not impressed! Like on so many other occasions in my life, mum was always right!!!